Elden Ring Guide: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Boss Locations

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Every Boss in the Elden Ring DLC list

Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree is best appreciated for its inventive bosses, of which there are many strewn around the Shadow Realm of the Lands Between. Finding the right boss, however, can be challenging because there are so many invaders, mini-bosses, optional bosses, and tale bosses to choose from.

We’ll include all of the Elden Ring DLC bosses in the Shadow Realm and provide locations for you to find in our Shadow of the Erdtree guide.

Gravesite Plain Bosses

Cerulean Coast Bosses

Scadu Altus Bosses

Abyssal Woods Bosses

Jagged Peaked Bosses

Ancient Ruins of Rauh Bosses


The first significant region in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC is Gravesite Plain. Along with a number of optional bosses that may be found both inside dungeons and the open world, it features two main bosses. This is what we currently know.


The first significant boss, or Legend, in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is the Divine Beast Dancing Lion. It is located atop Belurat, the fortress situated on the western portion of the Gravesite Plain.

The Divine Beast Dancing Lion is a massive puppet that can switch between several elemental types at will and prances around the battlefield in an unpredictable manner. When you kill it, you’ll gain the Divine Beast Head and the Remembrance of the Dancing Lion.


A submerged area on Gravesite Plain leads to a mausoleum known as the Western Nameless Mausoleum, which is located west of the Scorched Ruins. You’ll find a fog door if you go downstairs. A boss that can be chosen to fight that drops a lot of gear is the Blackgaol Knight.

Avoid his crossbow bolts and magical sword strikes, then attempt to shock him with powerful blows from your own weapons. His Greatsword of Solitude and his whole armour set will be yours once you defeat him.


A massive lake can be found in the northernmost portion of Gravesite Plain, east of Belurat. The Ghostflame Dragon, which resembles a large pile of rubble, will awaken if you approach it too closely.

The dragon will come chasing after you once it gets up. Hang on to Torrent and keep hitting its legs until it succumbs. Just be cautious around its spectral fire. A Sombre Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone and a dragon heart are yours when you kill it.


You may find the entrance to Belurat Gaol, a brief dungeon located beneath Belurat, next to the lake where the Ghostflame Dragon is found.

Eventually, when you get past a wall of fog, you will encounter Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze. In addition to being underweight, he is not well. The Demi-Human Swordsman Yosh summon will be yours after you slay him.


Maybe the first boss-like character in Shadow of the Erdtree is Logur.

In the Shadow Realm, he is located in the forest to the east of your initial place of grace. Torrent will attack you as you mount him and ride through the woods. With his sharp claws, Logur, who is swift and fierce, will forcefully push you away. One healing flask is also with him. When you slay him, the Beast Claws will drop.


In Belurat, you will first encounter Fire Knight Queelign. They are located on the east side of the castle town’s circular courtyard, which you will reach after discovering the second location of grace.

They have one healing charge available, and they will use a long, spear-like blade to assault you. After you vanquish them, they will grant you the Crusade Insignia.


In the centre of the main field, to the north of the Scorched Ruins, stands the Gravesite Plain Furnace Golem.

It cries out on its feet, dodging the flame waves from its stomps, until it topples over so you can strike its face critically. Once you defeat it, you will obtain a Furnace Visage and the Deflecting Hardtear for your Wondrous Physicks.


Enter the Dragon’s Pit dungeon to the east of Castle Ensis after passing the Ancient Dragon-Man Invader. Navigate through the Dragon’s Pit until the enormous pit and chalice are in front of you. Descend and pass through the fog door.

The Ancient Dragon-Man only possesses one healing flask and a large sword. Dragon-Hunter’s Great Katana will be yours once you defeat him.


Proceed to the third basement floor’s fog door by passing past the smashers in the dungeon known as Fog Rift Catacombs, which is located west of Castle Ensis. You will confront the Death Knight inside. This opponent brandishes lightning javelins and two lightning axes. Avoid his charge assaults since he can also use you to heal himself.

He will drop the Crimson Amber Medallion +3 and the Death Knight’s Twin Axes upon your death.


There’s a big, wooded region with a river through it in Gravesite Plain, south of the Ellac River Downstream Site of Grace. Another Furnace Golem with unarmored feet can be found in the centre of that river.

Get a Furnace Visage and the Viridian Hidden Tear for your Physicks by killing it.


Chief Bloodfiend and his legion of Bloodfiends await you in the Rivermouth Cave, located upriver and behind the bridge at Gravesite Plain. To locate the fog door, make your way through the cave while avoiding some wolves. The boss is inside, and he fights much like a larger version of a Bloodfiend.

The Bloodfiend Hexer’s Ashes will be yours once you’ve defeated the chief.


Moonrithyll is manning the true gate leading into Castle Ensis as you navigate through it and the surrounding outposts.

Although Moonrithyll appears to be an intruder or a mini boss, she is actually a person wearing armour. They utilise a large sword, the Moonrithyll Knight Sword, which is your prize from the battle, and they occasionally throw spells at you. They can utilise a healing flask just once.


The last boss of Castle Ensis and the barrier separating you and Scadu Altus is Rellana, Twin Moon Knight. She’s waiting for you in her enormous arena, which is located beyond the fog door at the summit of Castle Ensis.

Rellana operates in two stages. She will begin with two swords and a few light magic attacks. At half health, she will evolve to use flaming and heavy magic attacks.

You’ll gain her Remembrance and be able to enter Scadu Altus once you defeat her.


In Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, there is a little yet stunning beach location called the Cerulean Coast. It may be reached by crossing the Ellac River and is located south of the Gravesite Plain beginning point. This place will have several bosses.


A Ghostflame Dragon will land to assault you just south of the Cerulean Coast Site of Grace. After it topples over from being swiped at its legs, strike it severely in the head. This Ghostflame Dragon, in contrast to others, will be supported by a tiny skeleton army.

You will obtain a Dragon Heart and a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone when defeating the Ghostflame Dragon.


The Death Rite Bird awaits you as soon as you pass the pond after moving forward from Charo’s Hidden Grave Site of Grace. In addition to attempting to give you Frostbite, this undead monster will call upon any adjacent Gravebirds to attempt to harm you. To make this conflict easier to handle, carefully eliminate the Gravebirds first. You will obtain the Ghostflame Call Ash of War upon defeating the Death Rite Bird.


A large Furnace Golem may be seen stomping about to the west of Charo’s Hidden Grave. It will take several Hefty Furnace Pots to kill this one because of its hardened feet. To take it down, jump up the air geyser onto the cliff and launch three Hefty Furnace Pots onto its skull. You will obtain the Glovewart Crystal Tear and a Furnace Visage when defeating this, Furnace Golem.


The Dancer of Ranah is located in the Southern Nameless Mausoleum, which is situated on an island southeast of the Cerulean Coast and is accessible by an underground tunnel known as the West Site of Grace.

Like the previous Mausoleum bouts, this one is an NPC combat. The boss uses fire magic and two swords in battle. She has one flask of healing. You will obtain the full set of Dancer’s armor and the Dancing Blade of Ranah weapon upon killing her.


You will enter a little grove area just north of the West Site of Grace on the Cerulean Coast. Eventually, if you choose the left road, you’ll come to a beach where a large ship and several opponents are waiting for you. Demi-Human Queen Marigga, a boss, is one of such adversaries. This fight is more about taking down all of the adversaries at once than it is about the boss, who may strike you rather hard if you’re not cautious. Kill them before you concentrate on the boss.

Demi-Human Queen Marigga will drop the Star-Lined Sword if you vanquish her.


To reach the ultimate end of the Lamenter’s Gaol dungeon on Cerulean Coast, locate the two keys. Stepping through the fog door, turn to face Lamenter. Although this monster is weak, it enjoys confusing you by cloning itself. Over time, you will identify the genuine one if you eliminate every clone.

The Lamenter’s Mask will drop from Lamenter once you beat it.


You will come across the Misbegotten Crusader, a mini-boss without a nameplate or health bar, throughout the most of the Stone Coffin Fissure dungeon on the southern Cerulean Coast. As you ascend a ramp, you’ll notice his spectral appearance; if you’re not careful, he’ll leap down on you.

The Multilayered Ring of Light magic will be dropped by him after you kill him.


The Stone Coffin Fissure dungeon on the southern Cerulean Coast is home to the Putrescent Knight. The boss is accessible by entering through The Fissure region (after the Great Rune breaks) and continuing until you reach the Fissure Depths Site of Grace.

You’ll fight the enormous skeletal monster known as the Putrescent Knight in a lake of purple sludge. It rides a horse. You’ll obtain the Remembrance of Putrescence once you’ve defeated it.


The boss that appears on the box image for the DLC, Messmer the Impaler, is found in Scadu Altus, the second major area in Shadow of the Erdtree. This is what our current findings are.


In Scadu Altus, the Furnace Golem is located south of Shadow Keep and just north of the army camp. Its feet are not armored, just as the one at Gravesite Plain. Attack its feet until it topples, then apply an execution strike to its face to finish it off.

You will receive a Furnace Visage and the Crimsonburst Dried Tear for your Crystal Tear Wondrous Physicks when it dies.


The Church of the Crusade, the church on the western side of Scadu Altus, is where you’ll encounter Fire Knight Queelign as an invader for the second time. Enter and they will appear.

They have one healing flask and use flame magic, much as the first time. Remove them to obtain the Prayer Room Key and the Flame Skewer Ash of War.


Moore will invade you just north of the Church of the Crusade, which is located in the western portion of Scadu Altus. Moore is a little, armored character that uses a shield to fight and will periodically hurl rot in your direction.

You will obtain the Verdigris greatshield and armor set upon their death.


Black Knight Garrew is positionedwithinside the Fog Rift Fort, that’sat once south of the Scadu Altus, West Site of Grace. To attain him, you`ll wantto head left and punctiliouslyleap down the mountain from the webweb page of grace. Then strollthru the castletill he comes out to greet you. Garrew is only abarelymore difficult Black Knight enemy kind who makes use of a frog tongue Art of War. When you defeat him, he`ll drop a Black Steel Greatshield.


Ghostflame Dragon can be found inside a small army camp located southeast of Scadu Altus. It will be engaged in battle with numerous Black Knights and Messmer soldiers when you get close. You’ll make your life much more difficult if you engage the dragon before it has killed every soldier.

You will obtain a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone and a dragon heart upon defeating the dragon.


Black Knight Edredd is located on the second floor of Scadu Altus’s Fort of Reprimand, the fort’s southeastmost fortress. He is tasked with watching over a stairway leading to the top of the fort.

Despite having a name and a boss health bar, he stumbles easily. Get the Wings Ash of War, an aspect of the Crucible, by taking him out.


There’s a tiny lake on the eastern plateau of Scadu Altus, north of the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace. Ralva the Big Red Bear will attack you in this lake.

Ralva will strike swiftly and with great aggression. After summoning your Spirit Ash to divert the bear’s attention, use Torrent to ride around and destroy it. It drops the Pelt of Ralva helmet upon death.


The Moorth Ruins Site of Grace is where you may battle Dryleaf Dane as part of his questline. Dane’s Hat and the Dryleaf Arts fist weapon will drop from him if you defeat him.


Take the elevator up to the location of grace and relax inside the Shadow Keep, the enormous dungeon located in north Scadu Altus. You will come under attack from the Golden Hippopotamus, a strange hybrid of a rhino, wolf, hippo, and porcupine, as soon as you enter the next area.

Defeat it to get the two Scadutree Fragments and the Thorns spell from the Aspects of the Crucible.


The summit of Shadow Keep is where Messmer’s tower is located. You can meet Messmer, the boss that features on the Shadow of the Erdtree box image, and unlock a new place of grace within. Messmer will drop to the ground and offer you his Kindling and Remembrance after two awesome cutscenes and a challenging battle.


Commander Gaius is a knight who rides a massive boar in Shadow of the Erdtree. You can find him north of Shadow Keep in Scadu Altus, in an area called Scaduview. To get there, you’ll need to go through the loft of Shadow Keep and the Specimen Storehouse, which you can get to by way of Bonny Village.

Once you arrive in Commander Gaius’ arena, he will instantly attack you. You can use Torrent to run away from Gaius, but he will kill your mount almost instantly if he hits it.

When you defeat Commander Gaius, you’ll earn the Remembrance of the Wild Board Rider.


To the north of Shadow Keep, in a pool of Scadutree sap, lies the Scadutree Avatar. You must pass through the flooded Church District, which is accessible through Bonny Village, in order to get to the boss. After emptying the water, descend to the Tree-Worship Sanctum Site of Grace via the elevator.

Despite having little health, the Scadutree Avatar must be defeated three times in order to be declared dead. As the sunflower will start with less health when it revives, perform an execution move on its face before each phase concludes for an advantage.

You will obtain Miquella’s Great Rune and the Remembrance of the Shadow Sunflower upon defeating the Scadutree Avatar.


You will encounter three Tree Sentinels on your eastward trek to the Finger Ruins of Dheo as you pass through the Back Gate Site of Grace, the Hinterland area in northeastern Scadu Altus, and the hidden passageway by the Shadow Keep.

The first of these sentinels will attack you with a Halberd when it appears close to the enormous pit by the site of grace. When you defeat it, you’ll receive Marika’s blessing. The next is a short distance away, on the other side of the pit, and carries a shield. For killing it, you’ll receive another blessing from Marika. Even if you don’t rest, the third Tree Sentinel will still appear if you exit the area and return, but she isn’t a boss-level foe.


As you proceed eastward in the Hinterland region of Scadu Altus, past the secret Shadow Keep passageway, you will encounter a massive crater. A Fallingstar Beast will emerge from the crater and charge at you. With a pincer for a head, this foe resembles a gigantic horse. To take it down, avoid its head and make a sideways dodge. It will release the Gravitational Missile spell when you kill it.


When you get to the third ruin in Count Ymir’s questline, Swordhand of Night Anna will attack you. With the exception of the relatively small walkway you must use to fight her, she is your typical NPC villain; be careful where you step. She will release the Claws of Night when she passes away.


You will find yourself drawn into a boss battle with Metyr, Mother of Fingers, when you activate the Finger Ruins of Miyr beneath the Cathedral of Manus Metyr during the Count Ymir quest. This boss is a little strange and slow. Avoid approaching her too closely as she may prickle you with her fingers if you do.

Metyr will drop the Mother of Fingers’ Remembrance when you defeat her.


Swordhand of Night, Jolan appears as an Invader when you interact with Count Ymir’s throne during his quest, following your defeat of Metyr, Mother of Finger. Once you take her out in the cathedral, you can locate her body and interact with it to choose between summoning a Swordhand of Night Jolan Spirit or the Sword of Night.


After you defeat Jolan and Metyr in Count Ymir’s quest, Ymir returns to his throne and attacks you as Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers. As a magician, Ymir can cast powerful spells. If you’re not careful, you might be overwhelmed by his summons as well. Count Ymir’s poor health serves as a counterbalance to his advantages. Ymir’s whole armor set, his bell bearing, and the Maternal Staff are yours to obtain once you kill him and complete his quest.


In the Castle Watering Hole area, which you can get to via a hidden sarcophagus in Shadow Keep in Scadu Altus, a Furnace Golem will rise out of the water as you explore the area. Its’ feet are unarmored, so just carefully beat on its legs to take it down. When it dies, you’ll get a Furnace Visage and the Oil-Soaked Tear for your Physicks.


Located in the Bonny Village area in east Scadu Altus, Greater Potentate is an NPC villain that will follow you around and respawn several times. They will appear occasionally as you explore the village, and when you defeat them, they will not drop any items.


The last boss of Bonny Gaol, a dungeon located south of Bonny Village in east Scadu Altus, is the Curseblade Labirith. Proceed to the fog door of Curseblade by making your way through the entire dungeon. It will turn out the lights once you’re inside and dart around in the dark. Curseblade Meera is the summon that you will obtain upon eliminating Curseblade Labirith.


Rakshasa is waiting for you behind a fog door in the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum, which is located east of the Recluses’ River Downstream Site of Grace. With her Great Katana in hand, Rakshasa will use her enormous blade to strike you from a distance and cause you to bleed. But be careful—she can be knocked down easily. That’s where big weapons come in handy. She is charged for one healing flask.

She will drop Rakshasa’s Great Katana and the full set of Rakshasa armor once you kill her.


Jori, Elder Inquisitor awaits you at the conclusion of the Darklight Catacombs dungeon in southeast Scadu Altus. Magic-wielding boss Jori enjoys calling allies to clobber you. The objective is to pursue Jori while they teleport throughout the arena and stay clear of its summons. Aside from hiding behind the tombstones, you can also evade some of their magical long-range attacks.

They will drop the Barbed Staff-Spear once you kill Jori.


There are many terrifying bosses and enemies in the Abyssal Woods, a submerged area on the eastern side of the Shadow Realm.


In the Abyssal Woods, to the south of the Woodland Trails Site of Grace, lies an NPC adversary named Madding Hand. Proceeding further into the forest on your left after leaving the site of grace, you will come across the Madding Hand approaching you. The Madding Hand weapon will drop if you kill it.


By pulling a few levers and destroying some hidden barriers, you can locate Midra at a place known as Midra’s Manse, deep within the Abyssal Woods. To change him into the boss, you must kill his impaled humanoid form when you get to his boss arena. Then he will ascend to the Lord of Frenzied Flame, Midra.

You will obtain the Lord of Frenzied Flame’s Remembrance upon defeating Midra.


A mini-region called Jagged Peak lies east of Gravesite Plain and Scadu Altus. It’s a huge mountain with challenging terrain and lots of dragons. This is what we currently know.


The initial Jagged Peak Drake is located in Jagged Peak immediately upon leaving the Dragon’s Pit dungeon. Step forward into the water. A sleeping dragon in the center of the lake is among the many corpses of dragons that you will encounter. To begin the fight, attack it.

The Rough Top Drake makes use of lightning and fire. Continue attacking the legs as you battle it on Torrent. You will obtain Dragonscale Flesh and a dragon heart upon defeating it.


You’ll encounter a Jagged Peak Drake engaged in combat with another Jagged Peak Drake shortly after reaching the Foot of the Jagged Peak Site of Grace, which is located up the mountain path in Jagged Peak. Although you can leap in and fight them both, it would be wiser to stand aside and wait for one of them to finish the other off. To defeat this boss battle, face the remaining Jagged Peak Drake after the winner has been determined.

You will receive some Dragonscale Flesh and a Dragon Heart as rewards for taking down the Dueling Jagged Peak Drakes.


You’ll find Ancient Dragon Senessax dozing in a cave a short distance up the path from the Foot of the Jagged Peak Site of Grace, past the spot where you battle the Dueling Jagged Peak Drakes. A massive dragon named Senessax will hurl red lightning at you. Slash at Torrent’s tail while riding it to deal some reasonably safe damage.

You will find an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone and a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone upon defeating it.


Ride up the only path on Jagged Peak, past Senessax, past the Dueling Jagged Peak Drakes, and past the lightning storm to reach the boss fight with Bayle the Dread. You will eventually arrive at the Jagged Peak Summit Site of Grace, which is directly in front of the battle arena where Bayle faces his boss.

Igon is an NPC you can use to fight alongside you and help ease the difficulty of Bayle (and earn some extra loot). The Heart of Bayle will be yours once you’ve killed the creature.


The last zone in Shadow of the Erdtree, the Ancient Ruins of Rauh, features some of the hardest boss battles in the entire game.


Faced in the Northern Nameless Mausoleum is the Red Bear boss, who is essentially a humanoid non-player character. Travel toward the Temple Town Ruins in the Ancient Ruins of Rauh region in order to arrive at the Northern Nameless Mausoleum. Break the Spiritspring seal before you arrive and ride it up to the cliff above on your left. The Northern Nameless Mausoleum is at the summit. Step inside to confront the bear.

The Red Bear will drop the Iron Riven armor set, the Fang Helm, and the Red Bear’s Claw after you defeat them.


Another Runebear boss is Rugalea the Great Red Bear, which can be found stumbling around the forest in the western portion of the Ancient Ruins of Rauh. When you locate them, remove them cautiously, being mindful of their shockwave attacks.

Rugalea will drop the Roar of Rugalea spell upon being killed.


The Scorpion River Catacombs, located in the region’s western woods, are home to the Death Knight of the Ancient Ruins of Rauh. Once you’ve navigated the dungeon, a fog door will present you with the Death Knight. Be cautious because, like other Death Knights, they can heal themselves completely if they manage to seize you.

The Cerulean Amber Medallion +3 and the Death Knight’s Longhaft Axe will drop when you kill it.


Although Devonia is an NPC boss without a name plate or health bar, they are still important to include because they serve as a formidable entrance to the Ancient Ruins of Rauh. Continue through the historic ruins from Shadow Keep until you eventually return to the exterior near the East Site of Grace, Rauh Ancient Ruins. Devonia will be standing on a rock, obstructing your way.

This little boss can attack you by changing their body shape into several different forms and hitting you with a powerful blow from their large hammer.

They will drop the Crucible Hammer-Helm and Devonia’s Hammer when you kill them.


Discover an elevator that leads to the Grand Staircase and its site of grace by taking the detour through the Ancient Ruins of Rauh area. Descend the stairs and leap the opening, eliminating the enormous archer en route. Look at the enormous building to your right. The Divine Beast Dancing Lion can be seen leaping around inside.

This version of the boss differs slightly from the one in Belurat because it has the ability to call forth more enemies that disperse Deathblight throughout the arena. When the extra enemies spawn, eliminate them, being cautious not to stay in their pools.

You can obtain the Divine Beast Tornado spell by eliminating this second Divine Beast Dancing Lion.


You will eventually reach the Church of the Bud, Main Entrance Site of Grace, as you make your way through the Scarlett Rot and the Ancient Ruins of Rauh. You’ll encounter Romina, Saint of the Bud, a gigantic centipede lady who conjures up butterflies laced with redrot, just beyond this point.

It’s a hectic fight, but you can lessen a lot of her damage by using the Immunizing Horn Charm or Preserving Boluses to keep yourself from getting Scarlet Rot.

Romina will drop the Saint of the Bud Remembrance once you defeat her.


Needle Knight Leda and her allies are the second to last boss in the main story, and a lot of what makes up this boss depends on the NPC quests you’ve completed.

Needle Knight Leda is located just past the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom Site of Grace as you ascend Enir-Ilim. She’ll issue a challenge and advise against moving forward.

There will be a red summon marker in the center of the floor when Leda vanishes. Before the battle, you can summon any allies you may have, like Sir Ansbach and Thiollier, by activating their gold summon symbols.

As soon as you activate Leda’s symbol, enemies will start to appear one by one as you enter the arena. Leda can call forth Hornsent, Dryleaf Dane, Sir Moore, Redmane Freyja, and Hornsent depending on the quests you’ve completed. You can take items from each enemy, including Leda’s sword, if you defeat them all.


As soon as you activate Leda’s symbol, enemies will start to appear one by one as you enter the arena. Leda can call forth Hornsent, Dryleaf Dane, Sir Moore, Redmane Freyja, and Hornsent depending on the quests you’ve completed. When you defeat every enemy, you’ll be able to take items from them, including Leda’s sword. The last boss of the expansion is Promised Consort Radahn, and he can be found at the very top of Enir-Ilim, right after the Divine Gate Front Staircase Site of Grace. The Radahn you had to battle to enter the Shadow Lands is not the same as this one. The army you could call in to oppose him is long gone, as is the little, endearing horse he rode. This Radahn, along with his puppet master Miquella, are serious about their work.

You will have defeated Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree when you ultimately bring down Radahn during his Radahn, Consort of Miquella phase. He will then drop the Remembrance of a God and a Lord. Best wishes!

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